Brady PAC Endorses Bob Ferguson for Washington State Governor

“Bob Ferguson is the perfect person to stand up for communities from Seattle to Spokane and keep our families safe”

WASHINGTON—Today, Brady PAC, the political arm of Brady, endorsed Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson for governor. Under Governor Jay Inslee, Washington state has been on the leading edge of gun violence prevention and electing Ferguson would ensure that progress is protected and built upon. 

“As attorney general, Bob Ferguson has been unafraid to stand up to the gun lobby and use every lever at his disposal to defend gun laws, save lives and hold gun manufacturers accountable,” said Ashley Lantz, executive director of Brady PAC. “We’re proud to endorse Bob Ferguson because he has shown a steadfast commitment to tackling gun violence head on, going after root causes, and seeking real accountability for reckless gun manufacturers and dealers.”

“Across the country, governors are key bulwarks against gun extremists that want to pursue a ‘guns everywhere all the time’ approach that makes us all less safe and lines the pockets of gun manufacturers,” said Parkland survivor Fred Guttenberg, father of Jaime Guttenberg. “Bob Ferguson is the perfect person to stand up for communities from Seattle to Spokane and keep our families safe.”

In his time as attorney general, Ferguson helped defend a Washington state law that opens up gun manufacturers to liability under the state’s Consumer Protection Act. Washington state also recently passed a ban on the sale of assault weapons and instituted a ten day waiting period for firearm purchases. 


Brady PAC is dedicated to a singular goal: creating a safer America by supporting and investing in candidates who are committed to enacting, improving, and defending Gun Violence Prevention (GVP) policies across the country. It upholds the policy ideals championed by its sister organization – one of the nation’s oldest GVP grassroots advocacy organizations.


Unseat the gun lobby's top allies!

Anthony D'Esposito (NY-4)

Juan Ciscomani (AZ-6)

John James (MI-10)

Jen Kiggans (VA-2)

Derrick Van Orden (WI-3)