Look to November: Virginia Voters Have a Clear Choice Between Rep. Abigail Spanberger and Yesli Vega

Washington, D.C., June 22, 2022 – Following the results of the 2022 Virginia primary, Brady PAC urges attention to the shocking disparity between the common-sense gun safety policies long advocated for by Rep. Abigail Spanberger and her opponent, Yesli Vega. Rep. Spanberger has repeatedly championed measured, common-sense policies that are proven to prevent gun violence and are overwhelmingly popular with Virginia voters, while Yesli Vega has parroted extreme positions that would worsen the crime and gun violence that has surged across the state in recent years.

Brady PAC Executive Director Jason Pressberg shared:

“Over the next four months, voters will have the opportunity to ask these candidates whether they support the common-sense policies that keep communities and families safe from gun violence, or whether they hold extremist views that Virginians have rejected time and again. Abigail Spanberger has shown that she understands what Virginians want, and that is solutions that respect the Second Amendment but keep guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals – and she is fighting for them in Washington. As a former federal law enforcement officer, Rep. Spanberger understands gun safety and public safety. She supports the laws that protect law enforcement and your family. The choice is clear: while Rep. Spanberger has worked for four years to put Virginia families first, her opponent has pushed a dangerous guns-everywhere agenda that threatens your safety in your movie theaters, your grocery stores, and your malls. There should be no doubt in voters’ minds who will continue to advocate for their safety in Washington next Congress. Their records speak for themselves.”
