Postal Workers union backs Chris Smith

New Jersey State Postal Workers Union has endorsed Rep. Christopher Smith (R-Hamilton) for re-election in New Jersey’s 4th district.

“For many years — especially this year with the COVID-19 crisis — Rep. Smith has been a consistent champion for postal workers, advocating for a safer and better work environment,” said NJ State Postal Workers Union President and Trenton Metro Area Local President Bill Lewis.  “Chris has been tenacious, fighting for PPE for our postal workers, supporting essential emergency relief and maintaining operational equipment so that our men and women on the frontlines can continue to serve our customers safely and effectively,”

The union’s Trenton Metro Area Local affiliate, which represents U.S. Postal Service employees in Hamilton and surrounding areas, is also backing Smith’s bid for a record 21st term in Congress.

Smith has continued to rack up labor endorsements, including the New Jersey AFL-CIO and the NJ State Building & Construction Trades Council.

As a Republican, Smith has also secured the backing of two influential gun safety advocacy groups, Giffords and the Brady PAC, and the New Jersey Policeman’s Benevolent Association.

“I am grateful to the courageous and dedicated men and women who have remained on the job at great risk making sure our mail gets delivered – including medicine, food supplies, checks, and other important items as we continue to fight COVID-19,” said Smith. “Postal workers provide an essential service to New Jersey residents and their work remains crucial to our nation’s commercial activity and is especially important as we enter a nearly all vote-by-mail election.”

Smith faces former Democrat Stephanie Schmid, a former U.S. Department of State official, in the general election.
