15 Youth Vote Groups Endorse Biden-Harris Campaign, Announce Initiatives to Support Reelection Efforts

Today, more than a dozen leading young voter groups announced their endorsements of the Biden-Harris campaign and new initiatives to support its reelection efforts. The organizations include Blue Future, College Democrats of America, Democratic Youth Coalition, Dream For America, Grassroots Dem HQ, High School Democrats of America, Jr. Newtown Action Alliance, NextGen PAC, Path to Progress, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Students Demand Action, Team ENOUGH, Voices of Gen-Z, Voters of Tomorrow, and the Young Democrats of America.

Never before have this many young voter groups come together to back a presidential ticket this early before the election. These 15 organizations span issue areas, demonstrating the support for the Biden-Harris vision across youth priorities. Today’s announcement builds on the historic slate of endorsements Biden-Harris 2024 has received from labor, women’s, gun violence prevention, and LGBTQ+ groups. Both independently and in partnership with the Biden-Harris campaign, these youth groups will do the critical work to register and mobilize their generations on campus, online, and beyond.

Together these organizations will hire hundreds of young organizers; mobilize over 1,000 campus, local, and state chapters/affiliates and over 500,000 volunteers; reach over 26 million people on social media; and make over 155 million direct voter contacts across the country.

Young voters delivered for the Biden-Harris campaign in 2020. They returned to the polls in 2022 and 2023 to vote for key ballot initiatives and candidates who stand for their values. These youth groups will ensure this key voting bloc shows up again in 2024 with the same force to send President Biden and Vice President Harris back to the White House.

Read why young voters are rallying behind the Biden-Harris campaign:

“Blue Future is proud to endorse Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Our nationwide network of thousands of diverse young leaders understand how the Biden-Harris administration is dedicated to uplifting and improving the lives of young people and the issues that affect our world. Whether it’s the founding of the American Climate Corps, the creation of the White Office of Gun Violence Prevention, or the cancellation of student loan debt—they are listening to young people! The Biden-Harris Administration has had our back for the past 4 years and will continue to fight for a world where young people, and all people, can thrive,” said Morgan Stahr, co-president of Blue Future.

“As the National President for the College Democrats of America, I am proud to join my fellow Democratic youth leaders in wholeheartedly endorsing the Biden-Harris campaign. Our generation recognizes the urgency of addressing pressing issues such as climate change, affordable education and housing, gun violence prevention, and women’s reproductive rights. President Biden and Vice President Harris have demonstrated a commitment to these causes, fostering a future where every young American can thrive. As a survivor of the December 6th shooting at UNLV, I stand among so many other College students in this nation who understand that need change now — and the only way we’re going to get that is if we have people in office who care as much as we do. President Biden signed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act into law, the most significant legislative action in nearly 30 years aimed at working towards ending gun violence. This legislation is already saving lives by keeping guns out of the hands of individuals under 21 who are prohibited from purchasing firearms, empowering the Justice Department with new authorities to prosecute firearms traffickers, improving access to mental health services in our schools to help young people deal with the trauma and grief resulting from gun violence, and investing in community violence interventions. Together, we stand united in the pursuit of a better, more equitable America, and we believe that under the guidance of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, our nation will continue to progress towards a brighter future for all,” said Carolyn Salvador Avila, national president of College Democrats of America.

“The Democratic Youth Coalition is proud to endorse President Biden and Vice President Harris in the 2024 election. At the heart of our organization’s work is the belief that young people have a pivotal role to play in shaping the future of our democracy. The Biden-Harris ticket is the only ticket to act on issues that matter most to young people, from canceling student loan debt to providing tens of thousands of climate-related jobs. Together, we believe we can shape a brighter future, and by standing with President Biden and Vice President Harris, we take a bold step towards a more inclusive United States,” said Rhea Iyer, executive director and founder of the Democratic Youth Coalition.

“Dream for America deeply admires the Biden-Harris Administration’s leadership — delivering Gen-Z a new era of representation and fighting to preserve the pillars of our democracy. 

Together, they’ve cut costs for working families, stood as a voice of reason against the rise of extremism, re-established America’s standing on the world stage, and delivered visionary leadership on the issues that matter most to our generation. This White House has taken on climate change, made history with the establishment of the first ever Office of Gun Violence Prevention, canceled over $130 BILLION in student loan debt, and much more. Just as importantly, the Biden-Harris administration has elevated and empowered a younger, more diverse generation of leaders across government — becoming the most diverse administration in American history. Join us in supporting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for re-election in 2024. Our future is at stake,” said William He, founder and CEO of Dream For America.

“As an organization powered by young people across the country, GDHQ is inspired by this administration’s commitment to work alongside young organizers to create a more equal and just country. In taking bold action on climate change and to protect reproductive rights, canceling billions of dollars in student debt, and creating over 13.5 million good-paying jobs, the Biden-Harris Administration has proven that they are truly working for all of us. During the 2022 cycle, in coordination with our youth-led partners we hired and trained 174 young organizers and made 4.9 million voter contacts to young voters. This cycle GDHQ is committed to hiring 250 young organizers and has set an ambitious goal of over 300,000 calls and millions of texts to young voters. We are excited to train, empower, and hire young organizers to contact their peers across the country to play a critical role in re-electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris,” said Grassroots Democrats HQ Gen Z Leadership: Davis Han, Robert Jimenez, Justyn Kelly, and Mana Shooshtari.

“As a diverse group of over 11,000 students across the country, the High School Democrats of America are proud to endorse President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for re-election because they care about students like us and the future of our nation. From supporting the first major gun safety law in 30 years to passing the most significant investment in combating the climate crisis, the Biden-Harris administration has a track record of supporting the issues that young people care about. Democracy is on the ballot, which is why we’re proud to support President Biden and Vice President Harris as they fight for high school students like us and all Americans,” said Annika Krovi, national chair of High School Democrats of America.

“Newtown students have lived through unimaginable pain and trauma for the last 11 years since 26 children and educators were hunted and killed by a gunman with an AR-15 in Sandy Hook Elementary School. Since that tragic day in our community, over 1.1 million Americans have been shot and guns are now the #1 killer of young people in America. We will work with Newtown Action Alliance to get the vote out for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris so that they can continue to fight to keep us safe by building on the work they have done during their first term,” said Molly Zatlukal and Geneva Whorf, co-chairs of the Jr. Newtown Action Alliance.

“Throughout his time in office, President Biden and his administration have been fierce advocates for young voters. From climate action, gun safety, student debt relief, LGBTQ+ rights, marijuana reform, and building an economy for everyone that taxes the rich their fair share, he is listening to our movement and delivering real policy solutions across the most important issues of our generation. Today, NextGen joins a historic youth coalition in endorsing the Biden-Harris Administration for 2024. Young people helped deliver the White House to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in 2020, and we’re ready to deliver it for them once again,” said Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez, president of NextGen PAC.

“Young Americans know that while no candidate is perfect, progress will be possible under a second term of the Biden-Harris Administration. Over the past three years, Gen Zers have seen unprecedented investments in our futures, from the largest investment in climate crisis prevention in human history to complete student loan forgiveness for millions of Americans. While we endorse President Biden and Vice President Harris and want to see them remain in the White House, we also pledge to continue demanding justice here, at home, and around the world, and to push the Biden-Harris Administration to live up to the values of our generation. We also know that there is more work to be done and that President Biden and Vice President Harris are receptive to our needs and committed to finishing the job they started. We survived a Trump presidency once, and we refuse to endure it again. The stakes? Sky-high. Another Trump term? Apocalyptic for LGBTQ+ people and communities of color. The GOP’s agenda? Ban no-fault divorce, punish abortion patients, wreck the planet, attack trans people, ignore asylum seekers, level Gaza. This election? No sidelines allowed. Every vote matters. Staying home on Election Day is a vote for Donald Trump. We, Gen Z, will decide this election. Our future and lives are on the line, so let’s vote for the progress we deserve,” said Sam Weinberg, Executive Director of Path to Progress.

“Students have been advocating for greater access to abortion and reproductive health care on their campuses for years. When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, young people made it clear: they want the freedom to decide what they do with their bodies, lives, and futures. Planned Parenthood Generation Action is over 100,000 college students strong, and across the country they fight to make real change happen in their communities. These student leaders deserve leaders at the federal level who will fight for our reproductive freedom, full stop. The Biden-Harris administration has used the powers of thehis office to protect access to sexual and reproductive health care — and that’s why PPGenAction members will make sure they are re-elected. This generation deserves to live in  a world where they have more freedom, not less — and that starts with the freedom to make decisions about their own bodies,” said Alexis McGill Johnson, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Action Fund. 

“Guns are the number one killer of my generation. We need a president who actually understands the significance behind that statistic, the depth of this crisis, and the solutions that we need to create a safer country for all of us — and there’s no doubt that person is President Biden. With President Biden and Vice President Harris in the White House, we’ve made more federal progress on gun violence prevention than in the past 30 years. That’s longer than most of us have been alive. The choice here couldn’t be more simple: President Biden has fought tooth and nail for our safety since day one while Trump spent his term putting the gun lobby in the driver’s seat. We’re ready to win the Biden-Harris Administration four more years and work together to protect our futures,” said Jayden Speed, a member of the Students Demand Action National Advisory Board.

“Gen Z has grown up hiding under desks, looking for the nearest exits in movie theaters, and worrying about being shot in our neighborhoods. Fearing our lives could be cut short by gun violence is our daily reality, and this has long been the reality for Black and Brown youth. We need elected officials who will take on the NRA, put our lives before gun lobby profits, and end the gun violence epidemic that is killing our youth. So, today, Team ENOUGH, Brady’s youth-led arm, makes its first-ever presidential endorsement for President Joe Biden. President Biden and Vice President Harris are the strongest gun violence prevention champions to ever reside in the White House. They’ve put youth survivors – like myself – at the center and have advanced solutions that address the systemic inequalities that fuel this epidemic. Our nation’s youth must preserve the tremendous strides made by the Biden-Harris Administration, like the creation of the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, which will save countless lives. Brady’s Team ENOUGH endorses President Biden because he is the advocate we need to make Gen Z the last generation to live in fear of gun violence. With the full might of our youth chapters and activists across America, we will do everything to make sure President Biden is re-elected in 2024,” said Aalayah Eastmond, Parkland survivor and co-founder of Brady’s Team ENOUGH.

“President Biden’s unrelenting efforts to have youth voices across America heard is commendable. In the current political climate, Gen-Z faces unprecedented challenges that would only be exacerbated by the likes of Donald Trump. While Gen-Z has had ongoing discourse around Biden-Harris’s run for re-election, given what’s at stake, Voices of Gen-Z has decided to stand by the Biden-Harris campaign to protect the fabric of democracy. When Gen-Z says that the 2024 presidential election will decide our future, we are not exaggerating. Gen-Z and future generations’ success hinges on this election, which is why Voices of Gen-Z is hitting the ground running. In the 2022 midterm election, Voices of Gen-Z was able to register over 10,000 high school students, and we aren’t planning on stopping. Leading up to the election, we are planning to run our largest voter engagement efforts and will use our generation’s willpower and organizing strength to get President Biden re-elected in 2024,” said Bobby Callagy, president of Voices of Gen-Z.

“President Biden and Vice President Harris’ efforts to uplift the Gen Z agenda — including economic justice, abortion rights, and climate action — are unmatched by any previous administration. The Biden-Harris vision starkly contrasts that of their opponents, who would undo the progress young Americans have made and endanger our freedoms, lives, planet, and democracy. That’s why Voters of Tomorrow is proud to support the Biden-Harris reelection campaign. In the 2022 midterms, Voters of Tomorrow contacted young voters over 8.4 million times by phone, by text, and in person. We expect to more than double that number ahead of 2024. With our extensive national network of Gen Z organizers, Voters of Tomorrow is prepared to do everything we can to ensure young Americans turn out in full force this November,” said Santiago Mayer, executive director of Voters of Tomorrow.

 “President Biden and Vice President Harris are transformative leaders for young Americans. This administration has paved a path for our futures by committing to climate action with the largest investment into clean jobs in American history, canceling billions in student debt, and making the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share in taxes. They have delivered on youth priorities by creating the American Climate Corps and the Office of Gun Violence Prevention. They are fighting for us by committing to restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land, while Donald Trump has promised to pass a national abortion ban and restrict reproductive freedoms nationwide. The 50 Young Democrats chapters in nearly every state and territory are committed to re-electing President Biden and Vice President Harris in 2024, because they have earned our support,” said Quentin Wathum-Ocama, president of the Young Democrats of America.



Unseat the gun lobby's top allies!

Anthony D'Esposito (NY-4)

Juan Ciscomani (AZ-6)

John James (MI-10)

Jen Kiggans (VA-2)

Derrick Van Orden (WI-3)